New Edition - Stories of The Prophets - Ibn Kathir


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Best Selling Islamic Book great for whole family and individual reading

New cover inspired by heritage sites

Qassas Al-Anbiya (English) is the collection of all the events and stories about the Prophets of Allah in the Holy Quran by Imam Imaduddin Abdul-Fida Ismail Ibn Kathir Ad-Dimashqi. It covers all the Prophets from Adam to Eesa/Jesus - peace be upon them all.

 In this book, the stories of the prophets have been compiled from 'Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah' (The Beginning and the End) which is a great work of the famous Muslim exegete and historian Ibn Kathir and has a prominent place in the Islamic literature. The stories of the prophets and all the events in their lives have been supported by the Qur'anic Verses and the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet (S). Wherever it was necessary, other sources have also been reported for the sake of historical accounts, but on such places a comparative study has been made to prove the authenticity of the sources. Ibn Kathir has reproduced the views and interpretations of all the great exegetes of the Qur'an of his time. The systemic narratives of the Stories of the Prophets have been written in chronological order which renders a historical style to the book.

Allah the Most Exalted says in the Qur'an:

"We are relating unto you the most beautiful of stories in that what We have revealed to you from the Qur'an, though before it you were from among those who were not aware of them." (12:3)

"We have indeed sent aforetime Messengers before you, of them there are some whose stories We have related to you, and whose stories We have not related to you..." (40:78)

"We relate to you the important news of their story in truth..." (18:13)

"And all that We relate to you of these stories of the Messengers, We strengthen with them your heart. Through them there come to you the truth as well as admonition and reminder to all those who believe." (11:120)

"There is, indeed, in their stories lessons for people endowed with understanding. It is not any invented tale, but a confirmation of what went before it, and a detailed exposition of all things, and a guide and a mercy to the people who believe." (12:111)

" relate the stories, perhaps they may reflect." (7:176)

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